Not All MQLs are Created Equal (Video)
Stop me if you’ve been here before: You create a model forecasting the next quarter with the MQLs you need to hit your target. You invest heavily in growing MQLs and do so primarily through Lead Ads. Then, the sales team misses their target, and the SQL and Pipeline numbers are nowhere near their targets.
It’s MADDENING, but most of us have been here more than once! Why does this happen?
Sadly, not all MQLs are created equal because many people set up an MQL structure for leads that shouldn't actually be categorized as MQLs. Even when you do have a good qualification process for MQLs, they won't all be created equally.
How to Identify the Best Marketing Channels for Growth
Watch the video below and get great tips in under two minutes on how to choose the best channels to optimize leads and drive growth.
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